
Membership Requirements
Standard Membership
Full Member
Life Member
Student Member
Honorary Membership
Corporate Membership
Support/Voluntary Member

FOR MORE INFO CONTACT: 355 5544/5107/ 4504

Join as a Member

We welcome individuals, companies, institutions, Agencies etc all over the world to become members. Members and non-members may share ideas with us and enjoy our membership benefits. Membership is open to: - Individuals from the age of 18 years old upward - corporate entities (community based organisations, cooperatives, youth groups, women groups, NGOs, government agencies, businesses, schools etc ).

Join as a Volunteer

Volunteer to help us set up and implement our projects and our members projects. Volunteer to carry the message of sustainable development and sustainable community development to your communities. Volunteer to help us raise funds. Volunteer to help us in any other way you can.

Join As a Partner

You can network and partner with us to exchange ideas, information, knowledge, experience, human and other resources.

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